Friday, December 22, 2006

-ain't no title for this-

I feel so dumb, constantly trapped in my own world and caught in situations i don't wanna be in. This has cause much pain and upset between the world and me and so very often, i know it's my fault.

Why can't reality be a lil' more lenient... a lil' more understanding...

Am at the phase of life where i don't know what i want anymore. It's like i've come to another cross-road, and i'm stuck in the middle of no direction what-so-ever.

I miss the girls, but i know that somehow, things have changed... i don't know why, but it's as such. I miss my princess, but i guess whatever we had has somehow been kept to sweet history... my heart aches at this but there's nothing i can do.

It's perculiar how life treats you sometimes. The butterfly effect: What if a certain event didn't happen in your life? Would things still be the same? Something to think about. pff.

Just spoke to korkor a few days ago, seems like he's the only person that will ever know my and understand how i feel. I'm thankful that at least i've got him.

Life's pretty messy now.
I need time-out.
I need space.
I need to rationalise.
I need to be alone.
I need to be who i wanna be.



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